Life is good most days

Day to day life transcribed from my mind.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

more down than up today...

..more change in the house. Christmas Eve we lost our third wire fox terrier. We had just lost her dam, that is, her Mother, when I last posted. The quality of life in our living space has improved tremendously which sounds dreadful in spite of our loss. She was 15 years old and a month. She had not, for years , enjoyed our company. She could no longer see or hear and after awhile, it became apparent she no longer enjoyed touch or affection from us. I would pick her up and she would give up and just lay her head beneath my chin as I stroked her hair, allowing me a few minutes until she had enough love. She would go outside and come back in and then begin barking incessantly to go outside again, ten minutes later. She was suffering from some form of dementia, to some degree, as if she had forgotten that she was just out a few minutes before. If you've ever lived in a situation where your home was divided by doors and gates to protect one dog from the others, you understand what I mean. The younger dogs naturally sensed her old age and inability to protect herself and would attack her if given an opportunity. She had little muscle tone and lacked the strength to lift herself from the floor, at 99 years of age. We protected her from them. Aferall, were it not for me, she would never have been born. I loved her and now I miss her even though my homelife is healthier than it has been in many years. This is committment and the end of another chapter in our homelife.


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