Life is good most days

Day to day life transcribed from my mind.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Yeah.... Jury Duty. Quite a bummer.

I wrote a letter to the Clerk of the County Court requesting that I be excused from jury duty. The response came back in record time, exactly two days, declining my request. I made my employers aware of this fact and cleared my schedule of patients for the following Monday. I called the Friday night before to see if I had to show up Monday and the recording did not call my jurer number. Well, after cancelling my entire schedule for Monday, which meant I had no work, I decided that just to be sure that I was not called, I needed to report. The letter also stated that if you did not report that you would be subject to a $500.00, although I did not think I had to report, I had no work scheduled! I drove an hour to the courthouse on Monday and went through the initiation process for new jurers and signed in. I was in fact not supposed to be there that day but now that I signed in, I was not allowed to leave until I was formally dismissed sometime in the future. This was a mixed blessing. A week later I was dismissed as a member of a  "hung jury",  following a horrible experience as a jurer.  The horrible aspect of this experience were the "jurers" themselves!!


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